We are here for you
We will always answer your questions, help you make a purchase, advise which GSM accessories will diversify your offer, and resolve any complaints. Don't hesitate, we will be glad to help you.
SALES DEPARTMENT - customer advisors

Tomasz Ruta
Sales specialist
tel: 531982155
gg: 10910415
mail: ruta@univertel.com
helpline: 794 222 227

Adam Koczkodaj
Complaints - Customer account manager
tel: 504520430
gg: 60674014
mail: reklamacje@hurtowniagsm.com
helpline: 794 222 227
Klaudia Bałabuch
Purchasing department
tel: 730045111
gg: 68703520
skype: klaudiabalabuch
mail: dostawy@hurtowniagsm.com

Magdalena Piątczak
Debt collection department
tel: 731293333
gg: 71297779
skype: MagdalenaPiątczakUnivertel
mail: windykacja@hurtowniagsm.com
helpline: 42 300 11 11 wew. 6

Jarosław Pawlik
President of the Management Board
helpline: 794 222 227
Univertel.com sp. z o.o.
1-Maja 14
90-718 Łódź (POLAND)
NIP: 7272775256
KRS: 0000650196
REGON: 101061957
Phone: 794 222 227
Email: export@univertel.com
Bank transfer details:
Univertel.com sp. z o.o.
1-Maja 14, 90-718 Łódź
Account number for payments:
PL 37 1050 1461 1000 0090 8021 3201
SWIFT: INGBPLPW Our bank: ING Bank Śląski